Downloadable Documents
- Change Management Control Documentation
- Data Breach Notification
- Faculty & Staff Computer Refresh Guidelines
- HEOA Compliance Procedures
- IT Access Controls Documentation
- IT Contract Requirements
- New Faculty & Staff Account Creation
- PCI Data Security Standard
- Procedure for Storing Files with PII
- Student Complaint Procedures
- DNS Procedures Documentation
- Infrastructure and Security Committee
- Data Governance, Admin Systems and Banner Committee
- Academic Technology Committee
Computer Lab Software Procedure
IT professional staff members are responsible for evaluating, testing, installing, maintaining, and documenting all software and operating systems that are installed in the University computer labs, electronic classrooms, mobile computer carts, and loaner laptops. (Referred to as lab computers from this point forward unless specified)
Specialized Software installation requests
In order for specialized software to be installed in computer lab computers faculty should follow and be aware of the following procedures and processes.
- Faculty members are to provide the IT Help Desk with (1) license information regarding the software (2) a copy of the software installation media, (3) and installation instructions no later than 45 days prior to the start of the fall, spring, or summer semester. The IT Help Desk will maintain a copy of the license information and software installation media. Software purchased using a P-Card and freeware software will need to be provided to the IT Help Desk by the faculty member.
- IT staff will install, test, and document the installation of the software on a computer designated as a testing computer. IT staff members will ensure that the software does not conflict with any other installed software. Faculty will be contacted during the 45 day period and asked to test the software application in order to ensure that it will work properly for his/her class.
- If the application testing is successful it will be installed on the computer lab computers prior to the beginning of the semester. IT staff will contact the instructor and/or department if there are problems.
- Pre-existing specialized software will be automatically installed in lab computers every semester until the faculty member requests that it be removed or the license has expired for the software, if applicable. Faculty will not have to request the re-installation of same specialized software every semester unless and updated version is available and needed.
- The faculty member that initially requested the software installation and the faculty member's department chair will be the contacts if the IT staff needs to consult with the faculty member regarding the software.
- Faculty should contact James Lunsford prior to considering using or purchasing software that he/she intends to use in a computer lab computer. Software purchases must be approved by the IT department. Proper licensing should be purchased to insure that software will be installed on every computer requested to have software installed for example the entire computer lab or instructor station. IT staff will be able to assist with decisions regarding software purchases.
- If a faculty member requests that specialized software be installed after the 45 day testing period or during the semester, IT staff may not be able to accommodate the request in a timely manner.
- A list of installed software will be posted in the computer lab.
Specialized software updates and upgrades
- Software updates are patches or additions to pre-existing specialized software. If IT Staff learn that updates have become available for specialized software, the IT staff will inform faculty that there are updates available. The IT staff member will install the update(s) on a test computer so that the faculty member can test the software. If the faculty member and the IT staff member agree to install the update(s), the IT staff will install the update on the lab computers. Depending on the complexity of the update and the limited access to computer labs, it may take up to two weeks to install the update(s).
- Software upgrades are new versions of pre-existing specialized software. If a software upgrade is made available the Specialized Software installation request must be followed.
Software and Operating System Installation Procedures
- Computer lab imaging consists of copying a complete installation of standard and specialized software and operating systems to a lab computer. This process erases all data stored on a computer and replaces it with a clean' image. If any information is erased it will be not be retrievable.
- Lab computers will be imaged prior to the beginning of the fall semester and prior to the beginning of the spring semester. If the need arises the lab computers can be imaged at any time. The IT staff will try to ensure that lab services are not interrupted due to the imaging process.
- The University computer lab image will be updated at a minimum of two times a year. A computer will be setup with the new software image for faculty to test and ensure that specialized and standard software is functioning satisfactorily.
- The IT staff maintains the installation and setup procedure documentation for specialized and standard computer lab software and operating systems. The documentation regarding the system setup will be available to faculty if they request it.
- IT staff will help ensure that all lab computers receive all critical operating system and virus system updates in a timely fashion.
IT Security Program
Georgia College & State University continually develops, maintains and improves its information technology (IT) infrastructure and applications to support the creation, storage, modification and sharing of data. These IT systems are essential to the efficient and effective operation of the University. GCSU, therefore, has a responsibility to institute appropriate safeguards to keep its IT systems and information assets secure. In addition, the University must comply with regulatory requirements that are also designed to keep certain types of data secure and confidential.
The security of IT systems and information assets is dependent on the individuals managing as well as the individuals utilizing such resources. GCSU is committed to supporting the principles of academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas and the University's information security policies and programs are intended to support those principles while still maintaining an appropriate level of security.
The goals of this security program are to:
- Protect GCSU’s IT systems and information assets from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction.
- Ensure the reliability and availability of the University's IT systems and information assets.
- Ensure the privacy of faculty, staff and student information and that of other University customers or associates.
- Protect the reputation of the University and ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.
- Establish resources and guidelines that allow all individuals within the University community to practice good data stewardship
GCSU Cybersecurity Awareness & Training Program
Hance Patrick
Information Security & Compliance Officer
Chappell Hall, Room 204C
Technology Purchases
The purchase of all GCSU technology equipment, licenses, maintenance, software, or subscriptions regardless of the source of funds, shall be reviewed by the GCSU Information Technology department. The Vice Chancellor and CIO of the University System of Georgia delegates "approval authorization" to the GC Chief Information Officer (CIO) for non-state contract purchases up to $50,000 and up to $100,000 for state contract purchases. Purchases over the delegated level must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor's office for approval. To assure sound purchasing, supportability, appropriate pricing and for the security of the university's resources, GCSU requires pre-purchase approval of all technology. There is no minimum allowable independent purchase. Under these guidelines, technology equipment, software over $1,000.00, maintenance, or licenses shall not be purchased with departmental purchasing cards. Technology Support Services will provide assistance with quotes for your eProcurement purchases. Please submit an IT Help Desk ticket at to request a quote. Quotes provided should be attached to your e-Procurement requisition with Fred Godin added as an approver. Please use the appropriate IT Account Code for your technology purchases. The electronic approval for technology purchases and the IT account designation are required to meet audit and reporting requirements.
Beginning 7/1/2022, software purchases require submission of the Terms and Conditions through the Contract routing process using the Contract Submission Form (Contracts Management - Legal Affairs | Georgia College & State University ( BEFORE entering a requisition or p-card request. This will allow the software vendor to go through the new IT Information Security Checklist as required now by the University System of Georgia (USG). Once internal approvals are provided, Legal Affairs will ensure the contract or terms/conditions are in keeping with state and USG requirements.
Items requiring technology approval:
- Desktop, laptop, server or tablet computers as parts or as one unit.
- Printers of any variety.
- External or internal computer or laptop peripherals including hard disk drives, optical drives (CD or DVD), network interface cards, port expansion cards (either USB or Firewire).
- Software.*
- Computer services of any kind.
- Networking hardware including access points, routers, hubs, switches, bridges, antennae, keystone jacks, punch down blocks, UPS or battery backup units, generators for computing equipment, fiber optic cables, copper Category 5, 5e or 6 network cables, surge protectors for computer equipment.
*To purchase software under $1,000 using a state purchasing card, please see the "Procedures for purchasing software under $1,000" section.
Software Purchases under $1,000
Procedures for purchasing software under $1,000 on your state purchasing card.
Beginning 7/1/2022, software purchases require submission of the Terms and Conditions through the Contract routing process using the Contract Submission Form (Contracts Management - Legal Affairs | Georgia College & State University ( BEFORE entering a requisition or p-card request. This will allow the software vendor to go through the new IT Information Security Checklist as required now by the University System of Georgia (USG). Once internal approvals are provided, Legal Affairs will ensure the contract or terms/conditions are in keeping with state and USG requirements.
The process for software purchases is available through GC Signatures. Access to GC Signatures requires your campus credentials. You can access the process in several ways:
- Navigating to GC Signatures through MyGCSU.
- Using the main page for GC Signatures and selecting the form based on your method of purchase.
- Using this direct form link listed below.
University Purchasing Card Process:
Software, software upgrades, updates or new versions whether downloaded or on physical media under $1,000 may be purchased using a University Purchasing Card by completing this approval form: Purchasing Card Purchase Approval and selecting YES to the question Is this a software purchase under $1000?